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Keep It Simple, Episode 1

Keeping it simple means keeping your writing simple, to the point, and easy to read. Below are a few tips to achieve this goal.

  1. Follow these steps:

    1. Identify your audience.

    2. Organize your content by breaking it into short sections and use headings.

    3. Write in plain language by keeping it short, picking common words, and using a helpful tone.

    4. Use design elements like headers and whitespace to help your readers.

    5. Test the design and content by sending to a co-worker or members of your target audience.

  2. To know your audience, ask questions such as:

    1. Who are they?

    2. What do they already know?

    3. What questions will they have? 3. Talk to me, not everyone. In other words, imagine you are talking to one person, even when writing for a large audience. Say ‘you” instead of “he/she/they”.

4.Organization is key. State your purpose and put the most important information first. Eliminate filler and unnecessary details. 5.When forwarding an email thread, remember to change the subject line if needed. Summarize the information. Explain acronyms and jargon

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