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Escape from New England: Day 2

Writer's picture: Bill GeoratoBill Georato


Looking out the window just before dawn, I see that the traffic below is just starting its day. My hotel is on South Kirkman Road near the corner of Major Boulevard. South Kirkman is a multi-lane roadway just small enough to not be an official highway. When the sun starts to come up, I will be able to see the sign pointing the way to the park entrance, and the pedestrian bridge that crosses South Kirkman that leads to the park entrance.

I’ve been up for about an hour now, and after doing some reading I have a breakfast of cereal and mini-blueberry muffins (which I brought with me) with milk and banana I bought yesterday at the 7-11 a couple of blocks down the road. The hotel’s restaurant—the TGI Fridays where I had lunch yesterday—does have breakfast starting at 7:30, but I will be saving that for another day.

As for today, the plan is to walk to the CityWalk section of the park and enter from there. CityWalk is the restaurant and shopping center, similar to Disney’s Downtown Disney. The park itself is divided into Universal Studios Florida and Universal’s Islands of Adventure. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter straddles the two, connected by the Hogwarts Express, the famous train from the books and movies. I will be concentrating on Universal Studios Florida and Harry Potter.


I’ve just crossed the pedestrian bridge and am heading onto park property. In my earbuds I’m listening to Peloton trainer Selena Samuela take me through a 20 minute power walk. We’re about halfway through our walk, and with music ranging from Pete Townsend to Fleetwood Mac, she has put together a good set of music.

The other good thing here is that outdoor mask wearing is not required when social distancing is possible. So, I won’t have to wear my mask (for the most part) until I get to the park, where, of course, masks are mandatory.

It’s a little cool out, but it is still early. It will get warmer, up to 70°. It is sunny out and will be a good day.

Upon arriving at the gate at the end of the pedestrian path, I scan my ticket and do the temperature check while going through security. After that, it’s a matter of walking to the entrance of CityWalk. From here, I can go left to Islands of Adventure, or right to Universal Studios. I turn right.

The Studios open at 9:00 today (CityWalk opened at 8:00), and I arrive at the gate shortly after opening. I scan my ticket again, and I’m in. With me are a few hundred others, including children. Now, given that this is a Tuesday on a non-holiday, non-vacation, non-summer week, I would make some complaint about kids being here today; however, since there’s been no rules for nearly a year now, I force myself to get over it.

I have no map, and have not yet downloaded the app (more on that later), I just wander around. I won’t go into detail here on every ride I did, you will have to wait for that in a later venue. I did do Minion Mayhem, featuring the Minions from Despicable Me. I also did the Simpsons Ride.

Wandering into the Old Hollywood part of the property, I hear live music. It’s the Blues Brothers. Of course, by ‘live music’ I mean live singing-and saxophone--and recorded music. In any case, the singing was good, and the crowd was into it.

My final bit of business for the morning is to take in the live show “Universal’s Horror Make-Up Show”. This is a live show that takes you through some of the tricks of the movie makeup trade. The opening act was Beetlejuice. The actor playing him did a great job.


As Genesis, in the voice of Phil Collins, once said: “It’s 12 o’clock, time for lunch, dum-da-dum-dum-dum.” Having previously planned on having lunch in the Hogsmeade section of Harry Potter, located at Islands of Adventure, it is now time to board the Hogwarts Express. Since the train takes you, technically and literally, into a seperate amusement park, I scan my ticket again. It’s a good thing I have a two day pass.

The part of Harry Potter at Universal Studios is composed of Diagon Alley and King’s Cross Station, London. King’s Cross is the boarding station to Hogsmeade. After eventually making my way to the train, I’m told to take Cabin B, like butterbeer. I take my seat, the doors close, and we’re off. There’s a lot going on in the train. Harry, Hermione, and Ron are heard talking in the hallway outside the cabins, while the train’s window shows the view outside as we make our way out of London and through the countryside until, finally, Hagrid meets us at Hogsmeade Station.

After arrival in Hogsmeade, I take a quick look around, then get in line to eat at the Three Broomsticks Restaurant. I’m lead to a table in a back corner and was told to order through the app. Having not yet even downloaded the app, I take 10 minutes to set it up, including a payment method. Then I order fish and chips, a glass of butterbeer, and a freshly baked personal apple pie, all coming to roughly $30.00 including tax.

Obviously, i’m well old enough to know that amusement park food is expensive, but I didn’t expect that. But, what the hell, it’s vacation after all. The food was good. Butterbeer, by the way, is a non-alcoholic butterscotch based beverage. If you like butterscotch, you’ll like it; if not, then you’re better off skipping it completely. I liked it.

After lunch, I wandered around for a while, then walked down the path to Hogwarts Castle. The ride here is called “Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey”. This ride takes place inside the castle and uses video and animatronics to take you on an adventure touring the castle and the grounds. As you may or may not know, I’m not a rollercoaster guy, but this is the closest thing to a rollercoaster you will get me on.

Having left the castle, I re-board the train to London, and take some time in Diagon Alley. Here are all the shops found in the books and movies. One can get school clothes, a new wand, and get a bite to eat.


Having finished my business in Diagon Alley, I decide to call it a day. I walk back through the park, make my way to CityWalk, and eventually the hotel. It’s just after 4:00. For dinner, I graze on my room food, having eaten a bigger and later lunch than usual—it was nearly 1:30 by the time I actually ate lunch.

Tomorrow, I concentrate on Islands and CityWalk. It will be day two of my two day ticket,

For tonight, it’s TV and reading.

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